Saturday, April 30, 2011

DJ OMG! Put On Blast at Ken Barber Signature

Dainty deejay with hot chocolate soul raises the roof
No cosmopolitan lifestyle is complete without the right mood music.
So it’s only fitting that the Ken Barber Signature boutique in downtown Atlanta is tucking a “retail deejay” into its mix of offerings for those with sophisticated tastes.
This week, while a film crew from the scripted VH1 series “Single Ladies” was taping an episode on how guys should dress for their first dates, KBS introduced DJ OMG as a new fixture.
Picture Gabrielle Union working two turntables and a mic, and you’ve captured DJ OMG in a nutshell. She’s dainty. Her tastes run to raw soul.
She’s a nice complement to the mix of merchandise – sportswear, accessories, baby clothes, tuxedoes, health remedies and art – that define the store.
Shop to this why don't ya...?

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